We offer face to face counselling in Andover but through the magic of technology we can offer online sessions wherever you are. All you need is the means to connect to the internet in a confidential setting, so that you can freely discuss whatever it is that brings you to counselling.
Outdoor therapy
Face to face therapy
The type of therapy being delivered is an integrative approach utilising the methods of Humanistic, psychodynamic, TA and CBT/DBT, in a trauma informed, neuro affirming way. The research says all approaches to therapy are equally as effective; it is the relationship that is the vehicle for change.
Andover Counselling & Therapeutic Services were inspired to run small group sessions to make accessing high quality support as affordable as possible.
Destination Regulation
A 6 week workshop introducing a combination of the NHS 5 Ways of Wellbeing and using the senses to explore different ideas that can help form an emergency box for when in crisis. The workshop is neuro affirming and trauma informed. It looks at anger and dysregulation with curiosity and kindness. You don’t become the person you want to be by believing you are a bad one. For this workshop we offer two age ranges: 12-17 and 18+
How to Support Mental Health
A 10 week course about how to support those around you who may be struggling with their mental health, and how to support your mental health, to enable your calm to meet their storm. As mental health isn’t one size fits all, we explore a range of approaches to find what works for you and those you are supporting. Age 18+
The Good Enough Parent
A 10 week programme for parents/carers to be or with newborn babies, aimed at raising emotionally thriving parents and children. A psychoeducation programme for understanding human development and giving you the skills to look after both yourself and your growing dependents.
What Makes a Good Actor
So although mental health is not the main focus of this group it utilises experiences that have a positive impact on wellbeing. The opportunity to come and learn the professional skills of the components that make a good actor, to learn new skills, meet other like minded people, create connections and have the chance to celebrate your achievements. A 10 week course aimed at ages 12 - 17.
We would love to hear if there is an area you would like to see supported by our groups (Anxiety, Understanding Relationships, EOTAS Support, etc) If there is enough demand we would love to make this happen for you.
All groups are subject to having enough participants to enable them to run.
Andover Counselling & Therapeutic Services has years of experience working in schools. We can meet your school or establishment’s needs by providing short CPD training sessions, whole staff INSET or bespoke projects within smaller teams.
Please get in contact to see how Andover Counselling & Therapeutic Services can enhance your services. From training to 1:1 counselling, investing in your employees’ wellbeing has been proven to have benefits for both employer and employee.
We are currently working with local secondary school students and would love to impact the lives of as many young people as possible; please get in contact if this is something we can help you to provide in your setting.
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